TP 6: Phosphorus availability in broiler chickens and turkeys


The availability of phosphorus from cereal grains in poultry varies. It is also known that the availability of phosphorus differs between broilers and turkeys. In this project, therefore, standardized measurements for availability of phosphorus were carried out with both species. Based on the results, estimation methods were derived that allow the prediction of the P availability for the two species. In close cooperation with TP 5, and following the procedure developed for the pig, the results were used to develop an in vitro method for estimating the P availability. This requires the data about the P fractions and phytase activity identified in subproject Z. As the same cereal lots were used in TP 1 and 2, it was then assessed whether there are relationships between the P availability and the digestibility of amino acids and starch, respectively, or other fractions that are more important in this context.


Subproject leader

Prof. Dr. Markus Rodehutscord

University of Hohenheim